Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tastes like chicken....kinda

This week I have been getting a chance to meet the missionary families in Santa Cruz. Each day I have had a meal with a different family. It's a good way to get to know each family more on a personal note. Today I went to lunch with Betsy and Gerson Tejeda. If your wondering, Gerson is a Bolivian. Anyways, we went out to an all you can eat buffet. How it worked was you take a plate and fill it up with what you wanted, but no meat. They brought different meats around from the grill and would cut it off of the bigger slab for you. They had a rather large arrangement of meats. They had me try several different types, but would not let me know what it was until after I had eaten it. One meat was white and looked real fatty. It had an indescribable taste, wasn't bad, just not a good texture. I asked what it was....cow udder. I think that's the last time I will eat that. I also was given chicken heart, that was pretty good, just hard to get the thought out of your mind.

Anyways, we had a prayer meeting today. Had a good time singing and praying. I've really not had much going on this week. Worked on some homework and preparing for next week. Kinda nice to have some time to just relax after having two crazy weeks.

Another interesting thing going on around here is the constant pounding on a hammer and chisel. There were leaks in the roof during rainy season and they are going through my living room and chipping out all the plaster that has been water damaged. They were supposed to be working on it before I even got to Santa Cruz the first time. They just started yesterday. Go figure. They operate on Bolivian time. (Kinda remind me of Pa Kettle. "I'll get to that one of these days.")

-Pray for safe travel for all the missionaries going to the retreat this next week.
-Pray for Rick Lampen's father as he is having stints put in around his heart tomorrow.
-Pray for God to continue to bless the ministries here.


I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—in all your speaking and in all your knowledge— because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. (1 Corinthians 1:4-9)


Jared said...

Oh, I love that restaurant! The meat is so good. I, too, tried the cow udder. Wasn't horrible, but yeah, the texture wasn't great. I also tried cow stomach there. Let's just say I would choose the udder over that. ;) Have you tried palm heart yet? That is pretty good. It's always great to read your updates!

Jon said...

I must have been spared the stomach. Didn't try the palm heart either. I'll get it on the list. I'm glad you enjoy them, I try to keep them amusing and somewhat entertaining. Blogs can be boring to read sometimes.