Sunday, June 8, 2008

in cochabamba

hello everyone, it is a suprise but i am in a hotel that has internet! unfortunately, the keyboard isnt the best so i cant capitalize anything. needless to say, this will be primative but will still help keep you up to date. yesterday, we arrived in cochabamba (coch.) and got to see a few sites. we went out to steak last night. your right dad, the steaks here are really good. we also went to the top of a hill they have here (in indiana we call it a mountain). at the top is a statue of jesus. it is really an interesting city. beautiful weather. the work group i am with have been real good at welcoming me into their group. we have had some good laughs and i cant wait to get working with them. today we are going to church, playing volleyball 0r soccer and then church again tonight. tomorrow we start building a church? i think thats what i was told.
it has been interesting here in coch. the altitude is approx. 8500 feet. so it doesnt take too many stairs to lose your breath. plus we live on the 9th floor. good thing they have an elevator.
well i have to admit, there was one thing i did forget. i dont have my battery charger for my camera. so, there arent a whole lot of picture yet, but we will take time to get one tomorrow.
and for those who want to know, gas is about 2 american dollars a gallon and renting a good house is about 100 dollars a month. i would recommend retiring here. ok thats all folks.

GOD BLESS (the all caps works).



Jared said...

Hey, Jon.

Rick emailed me and told me you made it. Glad that went well and that you are having a good time. I always wanted to go to Coch, but never made it. Sorry to hear about the charger, you could probably find one downtown. Take care.


Jon said...

Hey Jon, glad to hear that you are alive and well. I can't wait to see more pictures on your blog, which, I have one two...AND MINE IS BETTER! Haha, just kidding. besides, any credit for it's visual appeal I have to give to my lovely, beautiful, and gracious wife who created it for me. You really ought to get one of those some time...a wife that is. HA! I will pray for you my friend. do you have any specific requests?????

love you