Tuesday, June 17, 2008

flame throwers and t-shirts

today has been a rather interesting experience. instead of having the normal work day, we took a break. at the moment, we may be able to finish all the work for tomorrow. if that is the case, it would leave thursday for everyone to get rested up before traveling on friday. so instead of working, we went shopping. well actually the ladies went shopping , the men just stood around. after going to an orphanage on sunday, we made a list of items that the kids needed and the ladies went shopping for them today.
fortunately, i joined the other group. by now i´m sure you are wondering what the title is for. here it goes. we decided that there are some of us here who could use a haircut. so we broke from the group and went to the barber. i had the privaledge of being the first one in the chair and being the great missionary he is, dan did not tell me anything. after they put the apron on, he lights a match and a wick. i am kind of curious now because the wick is attached to a spray bottle. then he proceeds to pick up a comb and sprays it. of course the spray is highly flamable and i am beginning to freak out (in my head). surely he isnt going to fry my hair off. fortunately, he was sterilizing the stuff from the last person (u never know who has lice). the barber proceeds to cut my hair much like those from the early 1900s. with sissors and hand propeled clippers. it was a rather unique experience.
now on to the other part of the title. after we were all trimmed up, we began our walk back to the other group. we went down this road that contained a lot of used clothing stores. just browsing along when all of a sudden, a grey t-shirt caught my eye. whould u have guessed that a huntington university t-shirt would be on a manican here in chocabamba, bolivia? sure enough it was here and if i had a camera (battery is dead, im waiting on a charger) i would have taken a picture. i guess it is a small world after all. well thats all for now.

God bless,

1 comment:

liz said...

hi! That could have been an interesting hair cut there, lol!
So, today I saw some Amish roofing two houses down from mine and I thought of you.
Sounds like your doing great!