Sunday, June 29, 2008

Up coming dates

Today I went to church, and for the first time in a month I understood every word that they said! Maybe it's because the church is in English. Yeah, there is an English speaking church real close to where I am staying. It was nice to finally sit through a sermon and actually know what was going on.

Yesterday, the neighbors had their church over to play volleyball, basketball, and soccer. It was a good time, they wore me out though. I am glad I decided to just watch the soccer match. And I think now would be a good confession time, it gets old when you can't talk to the Bolivians because you don't know Spanish. It only gets magnified worse when the six year old missionary neighbor understands more than you. I need to study Spanish more.

As far as this next week, I will be off with the other missionaries to their yearly retreat. We are going to Rio Selva. I have very little information about what this place is like, but what I hear sounds good. It's going to be a great time. I am leading the youth sessions during the retreat.

After the retreat, I will once again be living out of my suitcase. I leave the retreat with Joe and Ellen Kunkle. We will be heading to their home in San Borja, then off to Trinidad with John and Pricilla Kunkle, and finish off the tour with a trip to Ascension to meet Nina Kunkle. It's the Kunkle Tour 08! I wonder if I get a t-shirt? Anyways, I will be returning to Santa Cruz on the 26th? Something like that.

Which brings me to my next point, once again, I don't know what kind of living arrangements I will be in. So if you don't hear from me for a couple of weeks, I maybe out of contact. Just keep checking the blog, something will appear eventually.

-Pray for a spiritually refreshing retreat.
-Pray for safe travels for all missionaries.
-Pray that God will continue to use me to further his kingdom.

God Bless

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