Tuesday, June 10, 2008

new adventures, friends, and random stuff

cochabamba has been great so far. the group i am working with really knows how to work. apparently i have made a name for myself, i am now know as the farmer. i also was given the opportunity to lead devotionals tonight. i went over james 5:13-18. this group is so good at making discussion happen so it turned out to be a good devotional time.
last night we went out to a restaraunt called dumbos. you can imagine what it is like (i thought it would be like a chucky cheese) but it was actually a nice sit down restaraunt with good ice cream. the only problem was their inabilility to cook their chicken properly. i guess you cant get everything.
we have been hard at work laying bricks at the seminary. today i spent most of the time putting cement mix into buckets and pulling them up to the second floor with a rope and pully. i feel like i just got done baling hay (those who have done that, know how your fingers hurt from constantly grabing and lifting). tomorrow we will continue to lay bricks and more bricks and oh yeah did i mention that we are laying bricks?
one last note, we have been going to the worksite by way of taxi trufi, basically you pay the equivalent of 20 cents to ride in a cab that runs the same route all the time. if there is room you squeeze in and ride until you need to get out. there are times when you may have six people in a toyota camry. oh did i mention that most of their cars are stickshifts too. lets just say you need to be comfortable with your body sometimes because you may be crammed in a car like sardines.
well thats all for now, pray that God will open up doors of opportunity for minstry.

God Bless

1 comment:

Jon said...

Bricks huh? so when you get back your going to be amazingly riped? Cool! Good hard work. I haven't had any of that in a month. well, more than a month. I am been cramming a bunch of spanish into my head for quite some time. Anyhoo, I wish I were there with you puting down the cement. later