Friday, November 7, 2008

San Francisco and Cookies!

As you can see from my blog site, I have uploaded some new pictures. I went to San Francisco this past Monday. It was a great time but rained most the day. In the pictures you will see the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and the houses that are in the intro of the old show Full House. I had seafood fresh off the coast (yum!) I tried clam chowder, calamari, and oysters for the first time. The only one I didn’t care too much for was oyster, I also had some fish. Sorry Howard Miami, it was better than the fish fry.

The last couple of weeks have been kind of interesting since my mentor and his wife have been on vacation. That has left Christina (the other missionary) and I in charge. Needless to say, I am ready for Bob and Lisa to be back. We have also been blessed with a higher than average attendance. We have averaged close to 25 kids each day these last couple of weeks. Yet another reason to have Bob and Lisa back.

Tomorrow we have a birthday party for all the kids at the center who have November birthdays. This month I have been selected (more liked forced) to provide the treat for the kids. Well since we did brownies two months ago and cupcakes last month, I decided to make some cookies. If you know anything about me, right now you are laughing and feeling bad for the kids. I am proud to admit that I have messed up easy mac and more recently hamburger helper. I am not a cook. Good thing I have a mom and girlfriend. My mom gave me the ingredients and my girlfriend talked me through the process in AIM. So hopefully I don’t burn too many of them (at least I can eat those cookies).

On Saturday, I am going to a hockey game here. There is an amateur hockey team and they are having a breast cancer awareness game and we decided it would be good to go and support breast cancer and watch some good hockey (ok the good hockey thing is suspect but oh well). I hope to have some pictures up for you.

One blessing that has happened out here is that proposition 8 passed! If you listen to Focus on the Family you may know what I mean. It is the proposition that marriage is to be defined as one man and one woman. It passed on Tuesday 52-48 percent. It is now in the California constitution. Praise God! Unfortunately, the opposition has begun to file lawsuits and fight back. Pray that the ruling will be upheld and continued support will be given.

-pray for strength as the holiday season is fast upon us.
-pray for focus, I have some homework to get done and the time frame is getting tighter by the day

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