Thursday, September 4, 2008

No Coffee For Me Please

I forgot to mention this in the previous blog but I am sure you love to read stories of 22 year old guys turning into 8 year old girls. (Me!) Today we had a cold front come through and with it came rain. The house I live in tends to have drainage problems when it rains a lot. I tell you this for another purpose. In the shower today, I noticed something coming up through the drain. I bout dropped a load in the tub as I jumped out of it. Good thing we have shower mats, I am sure I would of slipped on the floor and smacked my head if we didn’t . Anyways, there was a huge black spider trying to come up the drain!!! AHHH!!! It was so big that it couldn’t get up through the grate in the drain. But his legs were feeling around the tub. Anyways, I grabbed the plug and stuck it into the drain and had the quickest shower known to man. Then after I got out and dried off, put some clothes on (in case I had to run out of the bathroom screaming like a girl…ok I wouldn’t do that but I did want my clothes on), I pulled the plug and let it water go down only to find he had been washed away. Wheeew!!! Ok, so I am slightly embarrassed but am positive you laughed. Let’s just say after that ordeal, I didn’t need any coffee today! At least something good came from it.

God Bless


Jon said...

hey Jon, isn't this the second spider story you've had on your blog? Ok, so these spiders must be pretty big, huh? Please, try to take a picture, I want to see!

thinking and praying for you!


Jared said...

Hilarious! Wow. It's great to keep up with you on your blog! I am eager to hear about this past weekend with the seniors!


Anonymous said...

good talking to you today!