Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Heading Home

I am sure by now you are think… “It’s Wednesday, when is he going to update us?” Well, how bout I do that right now. Here is what I know. We fly out tonight catching a red-eye. Leaving at 11:45 p.m. on AeroSur (if you know anything about this airline, 11:45 really means 2 a.m.) We are supposedly arriving in Miami at 6:10 a.m. on Thursday. We have to run the marathon in order to get through customs (those who have gone through customs in Miami know what I mean). But we are fortunate enough to have two older ladies coming along with us. Hopefully we get to the head of the line since they requested wheel chairs. I know, your thinking I’m ridiculous for mooching off of old ladies….wait a second. You forget who has to get their luggage. Yeah, I’m sure I will pay my dues before it’s all said and done. Right, back to the schedule. I have a nice layover in Miami which is good because of the typical delay in flights. I don’t leave Miami for Indy till 11:25 a.m. I should touch down at 2:20 p.m. Thursday afternoon.

Now I’m sure you would like to know…”Now what?” Well, I have talked to WGM and am in the process of finding a new site for three months. As of now, it looks like I may be going to CA. I need to work out the details with everyone and talk to the missionary out there but it sounds like a good possibility. The unfortunate thing is….CA is expensive! It may require more fund raising (something I am not fond of doing). I am guessing you may be wondering what would I will do out there. Let me get back to you on that one. Need to talk to the missionary first.

It has been a great learning experience here. I’m going to miss all the kids here. But the Lord has decided on other plans so I trust that everything is under control and he will guide me in the right direction.

Please pray for:
-Safety in travels for the five of us who are leaving tonight.
-Those that are staying back in Bolivia, doesn’t look promising right now.
-Students at the school. With all the rumors it’s hard to focus. Everyday they get up and ask the question “I wonder if we have school today?” It’s especially hard on the seniors not knowing if this day will be the last time they see all their classmates.
-That everything will fall into place and that the direct me to a new PRIME site.


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