Thursday, July 31, 2008

Once upon a time... (hopefully never again)

This has nothing to do with my ministry in Bolivia but I've told some people about this and they told me I had to blog about it. So here it goes...

I was cleaning my apartment the other day (sweeping the leaves out of my entry way) when I happen to notice something scurry out from underneath a leaf. I didn't get a good enough look to see exactly what it was but it was big and black. Well today I was cleaning around the same area and when I opened the door to come into the apartment and there he was! A tarantula! I just a bought jumped out of my shorts. Once I came back down from the ceiling. I grabbed a broom and swept him out the door. Now everywhere I go, I am looking for the guy and hoping he doesn't have buddies.

Ok, now that I have made my confession, I feel better. Hope you enjoyed the story. The moral of the story is... Always remember to check your shoes before you put them on.


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