Thursday, July 17, 2008

Long time no talk

Sorry it has taken so long to update everyone. I am currently in San Borja. I have been here for a week now. Unfortunately, the internet connection is about the speed of a snail. By the time I get done checking my emails and replying to everyone, I am so frustrated with waiting that I forget to write on my blog.

Right, on to business. Since I have been here, I have picked up some English teaching skills. I have spent all this week working with the youth in the church teaching them English pronunciation as they have been teaching Spanish. It's a win-win situation. I have enjoyed getting to know them better, also. Tomorrow we are going fishing. I am not sure what to expect but they claimed it will be an all day excursion. Hope the bugs aren't bad.

In my spare time I have been busy helping cutting out patterns for hand puppets. The missionaries d0 puppet seminars for the churches in the area. They teach them how to make a puppet skit and how to make puppets so that they can make their own for the children. Might be a good idea for those who want a Vacation Bible School session.

Next week I will be teaching more English. I leave next Friday and although I have enjoyed being here, I really miss being able to keep up to date on the internet. I also miss being able to post pictures for you guys to see. I've got some good ones.

Continue to pray for safety and God to continue to open the hearts of the youth in Bolivia.

God Bless,


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