Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How Time Flies

I am within three weeks of flying home and time just seems to move faster and faster each day. This last week, I went to Bob and Lisa’s house for Thanksgiving. I had a lot of homework to get done (I know I procrastinate, don’t we all?) and it’s a good thing too, sounded like the football games wouldn’t have been worth watching anyways. I am now one week from having to have all my papers finished and turned in. YIKES! That has come way too soon. I am so ready for it to be over with though. As some of you may have figured out, I hate to journal. (might be a reason I do so poorly keeping up my blog) Anyways, I had to keep a journal the whole time and I have grown to hate it with a passion. That will be the best feeling when I actually write my last entry. But I still have plenty of other things to do.

In the next few weeks we are going to wrap up our series over the fruit of the Spirit by talking about Joy and Peace. I picked them at the end cause I figured they would fit the best with Christmas. We have a lot to get done here in order to be ready for the happy birthday Jesus celebration we put on for the kids on December 20th. Kind of wishing I would have flown out earlier. But I really do want to see the fruit of my laboring and it should be a great time.

On a side note. I am almost out of food at my house right now. As I look into my fridge, I have a hot dog and some eggs and cheese. In the freezer, I have 3 hamburgers and some frozen veggies. I do have some mac and cheese but no milk to make it with. The only thing outside of hamburgers that I can make is…pancakes. I have a huge bag of mix that just needs some water. With the little amount of time I have left, I am wondering how much more food I should buy. I don’t want to throw much stuff out but as you can guess, I don’t think three weeks of pancakes would be good for anyone. Maybe I can just buy a case of Ramen noodles as an emergency plan.



Jared said...

It will feel so good to get that homework done! I dreaded the journal, too, but it is cool to go back through later.

Jon said...

Oh Birkey, I had no idea you were so bad at feeding yourself! Have you been living on hot dogs, hamburgers, pancakes, and mac and cheese?! You need a wife! ;)

Jon said...

I'm so happy that you are almost finished with your H.W. You go dog! I'm super happy about seeing you in a few weeks time. until then, peace. P.s. my woman is right, you cannot live on Ramon, I don't care what anyone says. hahaha
