Monday, October 20, 2008

Settling down

It’s hard to believe I have been here for almost a month! Wow that went quick. I just now feel like I am in the flow of things. It is a good thing because Bob and Lisa (the directors) are heading to Washington and Oregon for a couple of weeks.

Last weekend I have had the pleasure of getting in touch with Ashley Scally, another PRIME student who is in Santa Cruz with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She came into town with a softball team that she is coaching. We were able to spend some time catching up with each other. I have also contacted Austin Pettigrew, a PRIME student who is in Fresno. I plan to head down to there next Monday.

These last couple of weeks have been crazy, the school system in CA has a modified schedule which means kids have a shorter summer with breaks in the school year. The kids were out for two weeks on vacation so we decided to open an hour early. Our numbers grew from around 20 to at least 30 kids a day.

This week the kids are back in school and it has been great to get that extra hour back. We are currently doing the fruit of the Spirit with the kids. Each week we are picking a new fruit and using it as the theme. Last week we looked at Peter’s life as a model for self-control. We looked at Peter’s life as a disciple and compared it to his life as an apostle.

On Saturday, we had a work team come out from Quail Lakes Baptist Church, the church that we attend. They helped clean up trash around the center in the morning and then played with the kids during the afternoon. I think they enjoyed it and we appreciate them coming out to help.

Well that’s all for now!

-Please pray for Bob and Lisa as they are going to be on the road traveling for the next few weeks.
-Pray for Christina and I as we try to keep things moving here while Bob and Lisa are away.


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