Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let the countdown begin

Well this last week has been very busy. I should probably give an review of the events. Last Tuesday was an day of emotions. First I had to say goodbye to Lindsay for 7 months, then I had to be at World Gospel Mission headquarters that evening. The orientation went well, had a lot of fun with my fellow VIA's. There is a great group of VIA's this year. At orientation, we talked about the experiences and the emotions that are felt with longer term volunteer work. We dealt with culture shock, re-entry to the US, adapting to local culture, and we of course had to watch a cultural movie.... Cool Runnings!!! Ok, so it wasn't exactly a documentary but it was still a lot of fun. Other things we did while at orientation includes, ice cream at Ivanhoe's (oh yeah...be jealous), fishing in the pond, and eating a worm (it was a pact to remember to pray for each other). I guess I remember.
Right, so now the countdown begins. Next Thursday is the big loooong day. I received the last of my books for school today. I also went to get vaccinations today. I feel like a human pin cushion. 4 shots!!! ouch. All my support has been raised!!! What a blessing. Everyone has been so great. I still have about 40 thank you cards to get done...so if you haven't received one yet, it is on the list.

Continue to pray for:
- all the plans to finalize smoothly
- safe travel
- good health (no allergic reactions to vaccines)
- youth in Bolivia
- my curriculum preparation (or lack of)

God Bless,

Jon Birkey

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trip Changes

Sorry about not posting lately, I forgot my password. Anyways, the date for my departure has changed. I now fly out on the 5th of June. This gives me an extra week to get some things planned which is good since I needed to focus on my final exams instead of PRIME. Now I am in the process of buying books and figuring out my visa status. On Tues. Lindsay heads to Wisconsin. Later that day, I report to WGM to get a few days of training. Hopefully I will get a better idea on how these last couple of weeks are going to fall together. As far as my financial status, I still have about 1,000 to go but I feel good about it. Just keep praying that God will provide. That's all for now.

God Bless,

Thursday, May 1, 2008


It's official, my tickets are bought. PRIME is becoming more of a reality each day. I will be leaving on May 28th. I leave at 12 noon and won't touch ground in Santa Cruz until 8 am. on May 29th. There are a lot of stops. I go from Indy to Chicago to Miami to La Paz to Santa Cruz. With transfers in Chicago and Miami. Sure hope the luggage doesn't get lost. I guess on a positive note, I will have pleanty of time to get a head start on the reading for class.

I wont be back until December 20th! WOW! Sure seems like a long time. The flight back will be just as rough as the one down.

That's all for now.